Classes and workshops for Photographers and Videographers

Over the last 11 years, I’ve done small group workshops and helped individuals learn videography and the basics of photography, including Film. It’s become a passion of mine to help and share things I’ve learned.

Below you’ll see options on the different classes and what you will learn, with individual or small group classes.

One-Day Classes - $500 (One to Three People at a time)

  • Camera Basics/Natural Light

  • Studio Portrait Photography

  • Video Story Telling

  • Video Editing

  • Photo Editing

  • Film Photography

Camera basics, the exposure Triangle, learning what “Middle Grey” is. Lighting on camera, off-camera. Natural light, best practices, and posing basics. Oh, let’s not forget film cameras! I love those too. Editing and Printing as well.

Why A in-person class

I learn way more and better in person than by watching all the YouTube videos or reading all the books or blog posts. The content is out there, but talking in person with someone, seeing it done, and then doing it, is hands down the best if you have the opportunity. So here we are. ;)


Examples of studio lighting you will learn with two types of lighting on the face. Butterfly lighting and Rembrandt lighting.

Film photography has been getting a second wind the last few years, and it’s not going anywhere. It’s something I love and has brought back heavily into my full-time work. Learn how to shoot with medium format film or even large format 4x5 sheet film. Then develop your film and make a print from your negative. Do you know what a contact sheet is? ;)