Jan 21 (Challenge Change)

Day 21 of 365 Photo Challenge...

So, I heard some words today that made a bit of sense to me about the 365 challenge that I'm doing. First they said to "do projects that have a chance of making you better." That got me thinking. Is this making me a better photographer? That's arguable, and I would say for me it hasn't yet made me better. It's made me carry my camera with me way more, that I like. I don't think it's necessarily made me a better photographer though.

This has me changing the 365 challenge to the other option i gave myself at the beginning of the year, a 52 photo challenge. Now that i'm 21 days in to the 365 which isn't that far. I realize for me, this makes for a chance of getting better. Slowing down to to take less photos, but better photos.   

I feel lame stopping the 365, but excited about the 52 photos (more like 50 photos) that i'm now doing. The theme for this week is still "bus stops" so look for a photo around Friday or Saturday. 


Hayes Peterson
I've been an artist for a long time, now creating as a photographer and videographer. When you work with amazing people make amazing things.

Ying and Yang


Jan 20