Artist Rochelle Muzquiz

Studio Shoot

Occasionally I offer some sort of free shoot to practice a technique, lighting, editing, or just because I haven't shot in a while. This was a first meet up with local Artist Rochelle Muzquiz for a relaxed, fun photo shoot in my home studio. Makeup artist Ashley Dow was kind enough to come over to help out on this one. The shoot was nothing crazy. Plain background, 1 sometimes 2 lights, and a short venture outside. The main learning experience for me on this was primarily in the post work. Playing with tone, textures, and frequency separation (new one for me).

Rochelle's web -

Ashley Dow -

Hayes Peterson
I've been an artist for a long time, now creating as a photographer and videographer. When you work with amazing people make amazing things.

Finding Love. Giving Life.


Film making class