Analog 01
My First Medium format go.
So, a little set up for this and future posts on the analog subject. I grew up shooting film on a Canon AE 1 I got from, I don't know where. Anyway, for years I shot on this getting good exposures but that's it. No artistic thought went into any image shooting film. Flash forward to now. I've run this biz for 6 years shooting digital, and now I feel drawn to film again. A new fond interest in shooting medium format, 120 film. December of 2017 I picked up a MamiyaRB67. A beast of a box, with an enjoyable system of working. Take a breath, slow down and enjoy my ride shooting, developing, and eventually printing film. OH YEAH! ;)
I needed to figure out how to get good exposures with the Mamiya since it doesn't have an internal meter. A workaround is to use your DSLR to meter your shot, use an app, or get a handheld meter. I did a little of all of these and for me, a handheld meter with a flash metering option works best. I found an old Minolta spot meter with a flash meter works best for me, perfect!
If you watched the video, you'd know I love using this camera. from the loading of the film, looking through the ground glass, and the satisfying slap of the shutter, it's a great experience.
This will be used alot more this year 2018 and with a Darkroom on the way to being set-up. I look forward to sharing that experiance as well while I make some "classic prints". How do they compare with inkjet prints? So want to know.